Pushing Through
Dear Diary
6 weeks to CTM 42.2km
2 week to The Gun Run 21.1km
Marathon training isn’t easy. It’s long hours on the road. Time away from family and loved ones. Missed social engagements. Bodily pain and discomfort. The training is not only about preparing your body physically, but preparing you mentally. It’s going to be hard. What you will learn is to push through the physical discomfort and find tolerance.
This week's runs:
Tuesday 75mins/9km - finished 9km. I can feel my legs are still tender after the weekend’s run but I’m getting stronger. The squats are helping!
Wednesday 70/8km - finished 8km. This is an extra run. It was HOT and felt tough. Pace was slower than it should have been so this is a massive adjustment yet again.
Thursday 5km - finished 5k. I felt MUCH better after the last 2 days. Thank goodness! The pace was comfortable..
Saturday 27km - 3:57:09 - It was TOUGH. I’ve made a mental note of the discomforts
Sunday 40mins - Brisk walk to loosen up the legs. Today the muscle soreness has settled in.
'Yesterday I ran 27 flipping kms.'
It took me 4hours but it was all about the kilometres. I didn't register the time. It didn’t matter. I checked out mentally after 18k as that is what I ran last weekend. Getting to 27km was a matter of one step after the other. I celebrated each kilometre and felt like an olympic champion finishing that run.
It's hard to comprehend how long that is so here is perspective. We ran from the club in Meadowridge, around Rondebosch Common, up to Nuweland, and made our way back down Alphen Hill, along Constantia Main rd and back to the club. By car, the route seems simple enough but on a pair of legs a completely different story. The route had its fair share of inclines, traffic and we got a little lost! The weather was cold, windy with a little rain here and there. I struggled to remain present given the distance and physical discomfort I felt. I was so grateful when we got back to Alphen Hill as I knew we were on the home stretch. I was completely self sufficient with water and 32GI fuel that worked like a bomb. The support crew kept our spirits high. The ladies I ran with were phenomenal and the 4 of us stuck together to finish the run. I was quite emotional by then.
'It was tough. It was challenging.'
And, I pushed through the longest distance ever. There is something powerful about pushing yourself beyond your physical limits. Pushing yourself beyond what you thought was possible. I am so proud of myself!!
The Rock Rabbit trail pack is an absolute winner. The collapsible flask with straw is such a massive plus as it remains in its pocket for the whole way until you need to switch the straw. I might get another straw to avoid having to do that again. My hands and fingers weren’t working as well by the time we got back to Wynberg so switching flasks was tricky. I could store my gloves, 1.5l bladder, 2 x 500ml flasks, many chewy bars, lip ice, bank card, car keys and there was plenty space left over. Invest in your own Rock Rabbit and get 20% off: Haylee20
In 6 weeks I am running the Cape Town Marathon 42.2km. After the 27km training run I feel I can make it!
Top tips for the week:
The discomfort improves your tolerance. Expect that it is going to be tough and accept that you can push through.
My running journal helps me keep track of runs. It is easy to refer back to, it is all in one place. I’m grateful I’ve started mine. The hardest part is remembering to fill it out but it is the first thing I do when I come back from a run.
Intentions for the upcoming week:
Healthy eating is a top priority. This week wasn't great at all so I’m meeting with nutritionist for guidance.
Consider the additional distance this coming weekend. 30km is a biggie!
Upcoming runs:
Here is my list for the rest of the year and some others you might like.
The Gun Run 21.1km September 18th Sunday (2) (entered) Cape Town Marathon 42.2km October 16th Sunday (0) (entered) Landmarks Half Marathon & 6km Fun Run/Walk 21.1km November 6th Sunday (0) Winelands Marathon 21.1km November 26th Saturday (0) (entries open) The Slave Route Challenge 21.1km March 2023 (1) Cape Peninsula Marathon and Half Marathon 21.1km February 2023 (2) Two Oceans Marathon 21.1km or 56km April 2023 (10) SAFARI Half Marathon 21.1km May 2023 (1)
32gi Sports Chews, Endure Sports Drink and Hydrate for running/snack fuel
HMT Vegan Protein - post run recovery. I loved chocolate for years and now love combining the strawberry and vanilla flavours. Takealot: https://tinyurl.com/25n6s7d6
HMT L’Glutamine - amino acid replacement and before bed to aid recovery. This stuff is the bomb! Takealot: https://tinyurl.com/2p9ep5nb.
Hasta la próxima
Thanks for the tips, very useful! Luiz Antonio Duarte Ferreira
Your blog never disappoints! Veronica Dantas
Can't wait to try these helpful tips soon! Daniel Dantas