I love revamping older pieces of furniture over purchasing new almost every time! For me, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. If you are unsure about revamping furniture, here is a few reasons to convince you.
Extending the life cycle
Furniture is designed with function and aesthetics in mind.
When the aesthetics no longer appeal, you are faced with the option to replace or refurbish. By revamping an older piece of furniture you make a conscious choice to extend the life cycle of the piece rather than discarding or putting in storage.
I'm a firm believer in using what you have and recycling or upcycling as far as possible! By working with the existing piece rather than throwing it away and purchasing new you are doing your bit for the planet. One less tree is chopped down, thus eliminating saw mills, air pollution, and thus reducing your carbon footprint. The products I use have super low VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) which means less nasty chemicals in the air and less atmospheric photochemical reactions.
One of the key considerations when revamping a piece is the potential finish. There are so many options, however, it is important to look at where the piece will live in your home. Even though at this point the older piece of furniture may not work with the existing style, the existing style will assist in determining the direction of the revamp. Once the older furniture is revamped it will be a great focal point and conversation piece!
Cost Saving
The price of of new furniture from top end retailers can be expensive for many. And, setting up a home or redecorating an existing home with new pieces can add up very quickly leaving the wallet completely empty. By using inherited or second pieces of furniture we can save quite a bit, allowing the budget to stretch that much further.
Carpentry of 50+ years ago was an art.
We saw exceptional craftsmanship and solid wood pieces with skilled joints and intricate hand carved detail. Time was taken to craft each piece.
Furniture was beautifully made, purchased once and lasted a lifetime.
Those pieces were often passed on as parents and grandparents down scaled. Their legacy lives on in these magnificent pieces and we honour that by keeping them relevant and functional.
For a quote to revamp your furniture, please send an email with pic, dimensions and info about the desired finish to info@cassiesworkshop.co.za and we get started!